George Floyd - Leaked Body Cam Video Contradicts Official Narrative

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A police body cam video which was recently leaked after being held back by the courts for weeks now dirties the official narrative surrounding the death of George Floyd even further.

In a previous article we took a look at the transcript[1] of the dialogue between the officers and Floyd taken from one of the body cams, well now the body cam footage has finally been leaked.

The footage shows Floyd relentlessly resisting arrest, lying about his mother 'just dying' (she died two year ago), lying about not being on drugs and most significant of all, he asked to be placed on the ground - because he couldn't breath.

This doesn't change the fact that for 8 minutes a police officer held Floyd down with a knee to Floyds neck, a restraining method commonly used up until this event, but it should nevertheless raise the question:

Was this racially motivated police brutality?

Or simply, one high black guy being arrested, reacting badly due to his toxicity levels and tragically resulting in a heart attack - which the restraint certainly would not have helped. But is most definitely not the sole cause of Floyd's death?

I know the topic is a hard one to discuss, because of course you are a 100% certified racist if you question the validity of the official narrative surrounding George Floyd's death.

But, it's hard to deny from what we know now, this isn't just a 'big friendly giant' minding his own business being brutally murdered by four police officers.

Police Brutality exists, racism exists - but that does not mean every single death of a black man or woman in the custody of a Police officer is racist brutality. It doesn't, and if you cannot see this simple fact, you are part of the problem.

Question everything, right now this is the most important thing you can do.

Let us know what you think, does what we know now about the events leading up to the death of George Floyd change anything?



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Originally published on our website over at OYE NEWS :