Four years of crypto blogging, proud to be part of the hive community! 🎩

in #blog2 years ago (edited)

 thank you 4 years cryptoblogging.jpg

Hey my dear Hivians all over the world,

Today is my crypto blog anniversary. I am blogging regularly 4 years on the blockchain. December 18th, 2017 my sister @lizanomadsoul insisted on attending the local crypto blogger meetup in Vienna with her (The price for steem was 7,00$ in this ancient time by the way). It was a very good idea! We met there @stayoutoftherz, @vikisecrets and other longterm crypto lovers who are still active. I found new friends and got to know a lot of interesting people. And now I am organising the #HiveMeetupVienna myself since the hard fork away from steem (Every 1st Thursday in the month / the next invitation post is following next week).

Funny how things are developing when you are committing to something and stick with it. I am really thankful that I started to blog and communicate with you through our wonderful blockchain based social media platform.

last meetup at edison in november with schmidi and nadinee.jpeg Photo of the last personal meetup at Cafe Edison in November with @schmidi and @nadinee. The #hivemeetupvienna in December was digital. Here you can read the report.

Yesterday I was working 11h, so I couldn't play chess online.

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Sometimes real life hits you but the hive community gave me another place to be me. Sry that I didn't post the last two weeks, but at the moment I have a lot to work and there is xmas coming. So have a great time with family and friends, hope to see you next year then. Stay healthy and happy!

Thank you for all your support.

All the best,

wienliebe advent.jpeg

PS: The lockdown in Vienna is over. I am here over Christmas and in @wildnasswald until 2022.

christmas tree rathaus.jpeg


Happy account birthday lieber @manncpt :-) wow so lange ;-) mir kommen meine 4 Monate schon wie eine Ewigkeit vor.

Ja das geht ruck zuck. Wie bist du zu Hive gekommen?

Tatsächlich über google LOL man möchte es nicht glauben. Ich war auf der Suche nach einer Plattform, wo nicht alles zensiert und verborgen wird wie es ihnen gefällt. Ja und mit Krypto hatte ich mich davor grade mal 3 Wochen oder so beschäftigt. Aber bin echt froh, dass ich HIVE gefunden habe :-)

Ja das war ein Goldfund. Schön, dass du da bist. 🙃

dankeschön :-) schön dass ich euch gefunden habe

Happy CryptoBlog-Birthday!!

Danke 🤑

Glückwunsch! Das nenne ich Durchhaltevermögen ;) - Schön dass du noch da bist.

Ich habe es dir ja versprochen, dass ich dran bleibe. Wenn ich eine Woche nichts gepostet habe, kommst du mir ins Gedächtnis. 😘

Happy anniversary and Merry Christmas!

Thank you, I wish you the same! 🎄

Amazing amazing amazing ...

Hive journey... 😉

Happy Blockchain Anniversary, glad to have you on Hive :)

Thanks to you my friend I am still here. 😉

"The lockdown in Vienna is over"

Not for the unvaccinated...

So what do you do now?

Konsumverzicht, Boykott von 2G-Kollaborateuren und Impflemmingen, Aufklärung, Widerstand

Warst du bei den Demos?

Ich hab einen post über eine der Demos geschrieben.

Stimmt vor einem Monat, gerade gefunden.