Hive Blog - Saving Face with CBD

in #canna-curate4 years ago


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Saving Face with CBD

Sunday, August 16th, 2020; This just in from the OMB.

The current time in Kingston 4:17 AM, Spring Hope 5:18 AM, Las Vegas 2:18 AM, and Honolulu 11:18 PM.

Here are the latest numbers from Worldometer:

21,631,728 people have been infected around the globe with Covid-19.

769,220 have died from the disease. 14,340,785 have recovered. 5% death rate.

The rest are open cases awaiting an outcome.

So it took about two weeks to get any information about negotiations between the Hemp industry, and the White House Budget Office or OMB.

The Hemp industry wants to be regulated on a case by case basis with existing law. Not by a broad mandate that encompasses the industry at this time. This would follow the Administrations example of a measured response to the Pandemic that allows local agencies flexibility in dealing with the disease.

This news on the heels of case studies showing CBD can help treat Coronavirus patients through limiting swelling. Swelling through the natural process of the body fighting the virus has been linked to cause of death in many patients.

So now it would seem that unfair regulations imposed on the Hemp industry during the 2019 harvest, the first federally legal harvest in more than 70 some years, not only hindered the industry from profiting, causing job loss and businesses to fold, the regulations also caused loss of life as the Pandemic hit about 6 months later.

How odd that the Administration cracks down on the EPA for interfering with profits for polluting industries, while at the same time using the FDA and USDA to crack down on an environmentally friendly industry, to keep it from being profitable.

At least we see some consistency in employing scientists who deny climate change, and scientists who deny the effectiveness of masks in stopping the spread of Covid-19.

At least the Administration can still save face with CBD, as the people who legalized Hemp, and created the foundation of the new green sustainable economy. Yet even so, they deny it, and are unaware of this development.

While at the same time the Democrats offer a diverse ticket, claiming it can restore the economy with environmentally friendly businesses, while not incorporating the American farmer, or acknowledging Hemp in the green new deal.

This is one area where Republicans are naive progressives afraid to take the bull by the horns, where Democrats continue to float above the masses on dreams for tomorrow, while unable to fix a system that hasn’t broken yet.

A proverbial black hole, in which all ideas make sense in a singularity to solve all the Worlds problems, while at the same time unable to emit the light of enlightenment on those who govern.

When these diverging twins from alternate Universes are allowed to see each other in real time, existence could cease to exists, while at the same time an alternate reality expands into space time at a lost angle.

From the Newsroom,
Cyrus Emerson
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