Green Butter.

in #cannabis4 years ago

"Cannabutter is a versatile, smoke-free cannabis product that can be used to improve sleep quality and help manage nausea, vomiting, and pain."

Ingredients: cannabis trim, butter, coffee filters. One of the best ways to cook cannabutter or 420 coconut oil etc is to use a double boiling system. This is simple enough. You just fill up one pot with water and put a slightly smaller pot into the water with the butter inside. This cooks the cannabutter at a very low temperature.

Make sure you cover the pot with the butter with a lid of course! I usually cook the butter for at LEAST 5/6 hours on the lowest temperature setting. Use enough butter that the trim is mostly covered. The trim will break down that's why you dont want it COMPLETELY submerged. Between 1/2 to 2/3 is perfect.

After the butter is cooked get a heatproof glass container ready. You can test the butter by taking a spoonful without residue and holding it up to the light. If the butter is still yellowish and not hash colored or green: Let it cook longer. You can also taste it. Let it cool first of course. It should taste like cannabis.

Then use the coffee filters to squeeze the butter out of the plant matter into the jar. If you order cheesecloth it makes this process 1000% easier.

Finally: Simply put a lid over the glass container and place into your refrigerator.
