Really flexible - MyAnimalPhotography

in #cats • 4 years ago

... only a cat can do that. My hooman tries sometimes, but he has no chance 😀


This is my entry for #MyAnimalPhotography initiated by @eii.


  • Use only your original photos!
  • Use the tag #MyAnimalPhotography
  • The title of your post must include MyAnimalPhotography

I appreciate your support!
An account with just a few words. Like to show my impressions through photos.
Thanks @comiccat


Hola @comiccat. Cómo siempre los gatos durmiendo de formas muy extrañas. Saludos desde Colombia.

Hello @comiccat. As always cats sleeping in very strange ways. Greetings from Colombia.

Cats love to play games. I think they are very sweet, I wish I had money to own and look after a cat