Caturdays Gone...... Saying Goodbye

in #caturday4 years ago

Saying Goodbye Forever.....

Sierra Paw Shake.jpg

It is never easy to say goodbye forever. Loss seems to be a bigger and bigger part of our lives as We grow older. But being able to say goodbye. To be there as Your loved one draws the last breath. It is something not all of us get to do. It is also very hard to do when it is a family pet. We have all lost pets that have spent many years with us. Death is a part of life.


This Caturday, We are saying goodbye to a wonderful animal that has been a part of our lives for 9+ years.


Goodbye Sierra. We love and will miss You......


Aw. So sorry. It's the worst

New journeys and adventures ahead for Sierra but she'll go wherever you go, as you carry her in your memories.

Awww She looks like a good dog.

Howdy sir krazzytrukker. It's pure hell ain't it? The goodbye doesn't have to be forever though, that's the good news! That's one great looking dog.