(Esp - Eng) Humildad o Pobreza / humility or poverty

in #cervantes2 years ago

No hay virtud alguna en ser pobre. La humildad no es pobreza. La humildad es una virtud de un corazón que sabe por propio esfuerzo lo que significa conseguir algo, lograr metas, ser exitoso. Un ser humilde conoce el camino y por tanto es inmensamente compasivo con quienes lo caminan o aún no empiezan.

La pobreza es energía mal gestionada. Tenemos una cuota de energía vital cada día y si estamos pobres de dinero, o nos falta o no sabemos como llegar a fin de mes es porque esa energía está mal canalizada enfocada en carencia. Dios no quiere verte pobre, Dios te ha dado maravillosas oportunidades y te las seguirá dando para que tú evoluciones. Todas las dificultades que experimentas son tu preparación. En tu decisión residirá estar siendo preparado toda la vida o empezar algo con la preparación que vas teniendo, aunque sea mínima la preparación, pero empezar algo que sabes que tienes que empezar. Y si no sabes qué es pero sabes que hay un cambio que hacer o que necesitas, empieza a buscar para hallar y no te quedes en el eterno buscador y conviértete en un gran y exitoso hallador.

Y en mi carrera como fotográfo he visto la pobreza y la humildad en todo su esplendor.

Many times I have heard such a family is "humble", a softer word than saying "poor" and they do not mean the same thing and making it synonymous collaborates with confusing concepts when the answers are in clarity.

There is no virtue in being poor. Humility is not poverty. Humility is a virtue of a heart that knows by its own effort what it means to achieve something, achieve goals, be successful. A humble being knows the path and therefore is immensely compassionate with those who walk it or have not yet started.

Poverty is poorly managed energy. We have a quota of vital energy every day and if we are poor with money, or we lack it or we don't know how to make ends meet, it is because that energy is poorly channeled and focused on lack. God does not want to see you poor, God has given you wonderful opportunities and will continue to give you so that you evolve. All the difficulties you experience are your preparation. It will be up to your decision to be prepared all your life or to start something with the preparation you are having, even if the preparation is minimal, but to start something that you know you have to start. And if you don't know what it is but you know that there is a change to make or that you need, start looking to find and don't stay in the eternal seeker and become a great and successful finder.

And in my career as a photographer I have seen poverty and humility in all its splendor up close.
