My game on 18/11/2021

in #chess2 years ago

The daily game of today was very difficult for me; my opponent played very well and was quite accurate in his moves making almost no mistakes.

The game started with a Sicilian Defense and I then responded with the Alapin variation and it went on pretty defensive by both sides.
I kept up the pace untill I got nervous towards the end, his attack was well planed and he checkmated my King and I think there wasn't much I could do.

See you next time.



Loved the game. It looks strategic. But it seems like it was bullet chess, since the pawn on c4 was hanging for a while but both of you ignored it.


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nice i completely fail at international chess 🤣

Ma scacchista pure tu?😆 Su pure tu?😆 Qui dentro siamo già in tre, almeno😂! Mi trovi su come Pouzinha (con z), ho l'avatar di altra bambola simil-reborn. Faccio partite daily a 14 giorni senza punteggio (per mancanza di tempo libero). Come ti trovo su Così ti propongo una daily 14 giorni😊