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RE: the U.S. Comic Book Industry vs Covid19

in #comics4 years ago (edited)

Great thoughts all around. I think the one saving grace for the “big two” is the fact that comic publishing is such a small line item in the budgets of their parent companies. I believe they’re kept on purely as content farms for movies, television, and merchandise. Comic creators do a lot of the early concept work and development at a fraction of the cost of the broader entertainment industry I think.

Survival of comic shops is probably my biggest fear, while a shakeup in the distribution model could be a blessing or a curse.

I’m still working and haven’t had any extra free time due to current events, if anything it’s been more demanding and exhausting. However I’ve still been finding more time & energy in the past week to read and create. No matter what people’s thoughts are on the pandemic, it’s certainly a catalyst for self reflection and maybe focusing on things that are important to you. Sharing reflections on your comics passion sure fits the bill.

I gotta crack this bad boy open soon... just got delivered a couple days ago... good fodder for an upcoming post!
