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RE: The follow

in #community3 years ago

I don't even know how many people I follow; I find that I browse through the communities that I enjoy and enjoy that way. Some communities are more well browsed than others, and some I definitely need to give some TLC too. I think it shows the strength of some really fun content out there, though, that picking and choosing is a necessity.


Looks like 500.


The communities thing is a good point and is why I don't feel I need to follow hundreds of people - Going there is a nice place to browse specific content although I have noticed many don't follow the community guidelines and post randomly.

I wonder how many of those are actually active anymore, or how many I still interact with. I could probably whip up a python script that gathered that for me but, man, I'm tired of coding, and it's probably whimsical information at best, anyway. I'd rather have a coffee.

Have a coffee and do some culling; it feels good.