
39 & 43

Thanks and good luck again!!!

17 & 41

Danke und viel Glueck!!!

17 + 18
und wie immer nen !BEER

Viel Glueck und ein !BEER :)

Hey @photobook, here is a little bit of BEER from @pundito for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

21 / 20

Danke und viel Glueck!!!

Hey @pundito, here is a little bit of BEER from @photobook for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thanks again @brittandjosie. It is cool.

If you give me two numbers between 1 and 50 you have the chance to win again ;)

That is really strange - I also can't open that ...
Anyway: thanks and good luck!!!

I've been having problems posting too. I had to go peakd to post but after that i also cannot open my post. I had seen a few other people's post having same issue

21 and 42

Thanks and good luck to you!!!

41 & 50

Thank you and good luck again!!!

17-39 + 10

Danke Dir!
Viel Glueck!!!

Happy new month peeps!

Happy new month to you too :)
Thanks and good luck!!!

Okay man

Thanks @pundito!!!
21 and 6

You're welcome :)
Thank you too and good luck again!!!

Thank you

Gerne doch :)
Danke auch Dir und viel Glueck!!!


Thank you and good luck!!!