The age of enforced disconnection: changing the way our children think

in #coronavirus4 years ago (edited)


Yesterday I found a pumpkin seed which had tied itself in a knot under the earth and the more it tried to grow up towards the light the more it pulled its own roots out of the soil, disconnecting itself from the very thing it needs to live. It occurred to me as I gently pulled the baby plant's head back through its noose how society today is doing the same thing. It is tying a knot in the development of our children and if we don't do something about it they will never thrive in the way nature intended for them.

Humans are social creatures who need to interact and touch especially at a young age, for a vast number of reasons. Yet social distancing is here to stay, so I have been looking closely over the last few days at the ways in which these new rules will affect our young children at school.

Esteban (in the main image) was given a mask this week by our village mayor, mentally preparing him for his future. He is 5 years old and attends our local nursery school which is run by a Montessori teacher who has been in contact with us over these last few days to discuss her grave concerns around what will happen when the French schools reopen on the 11th May. The Montessori system is very much about groups and interaction, so everything she knows about the best way to look after young children must now be ignored.

Before I go into that I want first to look at some easily verifiable history.

Failure to thrive

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In the early 1900s Dr. Luther Emmett Holt, known as one of America's first and finest paediatricians decided that parents were spoiling their children by cuddling and holding them too much. Many parents took notice of his words and immediately followed his order, beginning a trend of “hands-off” parenting.

Within just a few years doctors across the nation started to notice a dramatic increase in infant deaths, particularly in seemingly healthy babies. It soon became apparent that these infants experienced “failure to thrive” simply because they were not getting enough human contact through touch.

In “touch studies” done on animals, monkey infants who were denied contact ceased to explore their environments. Research in animal behavior also revealed that when animals were deprived of touch, they became aggressive and violent. source

Do you see now why I am writing this article? Trust me, I would much rather be taking pics of my vegetables and writing posts about homesteading. But this subject is burning into my mind with the weight of the full moon and the only way for me to move forward is to voice my concerns and start talking about solutions.

And no, I don't mean this.

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New rules for French nursery schools

Based on the reality that young children will simply be unable to follow social distancing guidelines I had imagined that nursery schools would not reopen. But I was wrong. Instead, all parents have been sent an email with the new rules.

The list is long but here are a few to give you a flavour:

  • At no point can any child come within 1m of another child
  • Teachers must wear masks at all times
  • Teachers can have no physical contact with the children (unless absolutely necessary)
  • During break time all children must play on their own
  • There will be no sharing of stationary, books or toys etc
  • Any school provided items like bicycles, slides & swings will be removed from the outdoor play area.

I am going to stop there because I am starting to feel sick focusing on it again. Sabrina was crying when she read me the list last night.

The good news is that President Macron has given parents the option to ignore the law which makes nursery school mandatory from age three. So we can now choose to homeschool without jumping through the usual hoops & government snooping into our lives.


Luna turned three a few months ago and I can tell you she is absolutely not ready for school, vocalising this clearly herself. So I am super grateful this situation has fixed that for us. Three cheers for that 🎉

Esteban on the other hand wants very much to return. But when asked why, he says he just wants to play with his friends again. Particularly with a girl called Saskia ;)

So it has been noted that what Esteban craves is not the school itself but the opportunity it provides to do interesting things with other children.

I have not yet told him that if he were to return he would be unable to play with Saskia in the way he would like to. Only when I have the solution in place will I inform him of the news that he will no longer be going to school.

Sabrina & I are lucky because we have the time & the space to look after our children in a healthy natural manner. While most other people have no choice but to go back to their day jobs and by default, send their children back to school.

A bedtime story (written by the WHO)

If you think social distancing is just a passing fad you might want to ask yourself why it is that last month a children's book was published in all languages and given out for free with the intention of changing the way our next generation thinks? Those lovely people at the WHO are so very kind & generous. Yeah right. I downloaded the book only to know how the brainwashing of millions of children around the world will be taking place.

A few teasers for you here:

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When I finished reading the book, the overall message I felt from it can be summed up in two words. Togetherness kills. And I shed a tear for the elderly who will never again know the touch of their children or grandchildren. There was once a time when the old folk were revered and respected as the wisest amongst us. This time has passed.

Law of Attraction trickery

The WHO's proposed solution for the children to "focus on a memory or a time when you felt safe" is completely absurd to me as an advocate of Law of Attraction. The word "safe" implies an external threat of some kind so I can only imagine what children will come up with here.

The Laws of the Universe are simple on this point. To manifest our desired future we must imagine ourselves in the future, already experiencing the lives we desire. I have practiced LOA for six years and in this time I have manifested the perfect life for myself. Those of you who follow me regularly here will know this to be true. So it is difficult for me in this moment to hold on to my usual positive feeling, knowing that all these helpless children are now being taught the opposite to what they actually need to learn in order to manifest their way out of this mess.

Behold one of the many deceptive long-term plans in play to enslave humanity forever.

The long-term implications of social distancing

I wondered to myself trying to sleep last night how single people are going to physically interact now? Are they to be limited only to virtual sex lives? There has been an explosion in porn website hits since the lockdown began and also the purchase of sex dolls. So how will this affect humanity moving forward?

As an ex-filmmaker turned farmer I am not in a position to answer this question from any kind of professional perspective but I can speculate by saying that it will disconnect us from our most basic human instinct, the act of procreation. Man & woman have forever been two halves of a whole, requiring each other to procreate. To pro-create. To be advocates of the divine creation process. What comes next is hard to imagine. Let's just say babies will be made a different way in the future. I believe it is called Ectogenesis.

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Second wave guaranteed

Coming back to current events I want to take this opportunity to warn you of something important. The lack of sunlight (due to lockdown) combined with social distancing and wearing of masks does not bode well for the "second wave" we are already being mentally prepared for. Our immune systems thrive on the variety of bacteria we would normally pick up from those around us and our general interaction with the world. So the mask prevents us from breathing in those essential immune boosting bacterias and then does further damage by preventing the body from releasing bacteria which would normally be released through breathing.

Listening to various independent doctors brave enough to speak out, I have learned that children & adults alike will have highly compromised immune systems after two months of lockdown, making us susceptible to all manner of illnesses when we are released from our homes. So, quick note for everyone, if you have been unable to go outside much recently make sure you boost up on sunlight and natural vitamins before you start mingling.

From a practical perspective you may want to pick up all those 'non essential' items as soon as they become available again. This freedom is only temporary and the next lockdown will likely be for longer.

We will be told the virus has mutated and a consistent sense of fear will be generated by the MSM to ensure this new war and its resulting control measures are a permanent feature of human existence.

Health implications of long-term mask wearing?

Beyond the most alarming issue of instantly weakening our immune systems there is plenty more for you to chew on.

First up there will be a psychological effect due to our inability to silently express our emotions or see the emotions of others. What this will lead to is further emotional disconnection. While those sex dolls will continue selling like hot cakes.

Wearing a mask makes each breath slightly more difficult, putting extra pressure on the lungs, causing potentially adverse physiological effects in the long term.

Exhaled carbon dioxide gets trapped in the chamber of the mask, re-entering the body each time the mask user inhales. This delivers less oxygen into the body than when the person is not wearing a mask.

"It can lead to oxygen shortage, suffocation, respiration trouble & heart attacks" Dr D Saha

This doctor also points out that masks are a potential source of bacteria and viruses.

“The moisture from exhalation inside the mask, when in constant contact with the 37 degrees Celsius warm human body, becomes ideal place for virus and bacteria to thrive. This could result in the growth of microbes on masks and aid the spread of airborne diseases like influenza" Dr D Saha

We must surely ask ourselves now if these masks are not doing more harm than good? In fact, let's not beat around the bush, are they doing any good at all?


I have written this chapter in my head already but I am in two minds now whether or not I should share it with you. My logical sensible side tells me that my solution might be frowned upon by those who make the laws around here and I should therefore not implicate myself by highlighting my cunning plan. While my crazy side wants desperately to spill the beans!

Let's just say that when the signs are so consistent they cannot be ignored and I feel as if the Universe has been guiding me in this matter for years.

Did you know that I used to be a magician before I was anything else? I was the 1989 UK Young Magician of the Year (comedy award). After this I was invited to perform all over the country being paid to do professional shows but I always preferred the more homely shows in which my job description was basically to entertain a bunch of children while the parents did other things.

Like the simple pumpkin seed which tied itself in a knot our children will not thrive as nature intended if we do not take this matter into our own hands now.

As always my brothers & sisters I extend to you in this moment an invitation to join us here in the Pyrenees where there is a new feeling brewing. Something like hope for a bright future, born as a direct result of what is happening. Because when there is darkness there must always be light.

Stay connected. Stay true. Stay tuned.

click here for a much more optimistic & colourful post showing what we are growing in our garden.


So beautiful family and a great article. I have also 5 yrs old. He loves people and to play and to make new friends. I'm in tears a bit right now. For us it won't be the new normal. No way.

It isn't a great feeling imagining children following these kind of rules. On the upside, it has been stated by Macron that if the kids are not capable of following the rules, nursery schools will be shut. Which would be much better than this! So, let's hope lots of children break these silly rules ;)

Yes, I agree. It'll be much better without nursery schools (for me personally, elementary schools included).
I think children won't be able to follow the rules because they are naturally pure, playful, happy, and all the good itself so they can't possibly understand the sick thinking of some people.

I believed it could be for the better but signs are more and more clear .
Even Astrology says it loud and clear , nasty hasnt started yet .
Be safe

One only has to look at the 400 year solar minimum cycle to see that rough times are ahead. And there are a few people starting to describe how this particular shift will manifest here on Earth. Cheery stuff ;)

Very interesting video , i read the comments on it and people got scared of it .
But however it is , our futur is quiet awkward , we shall see .
Thank you for sharing

Epic post!! Its just insane really how people do think its going to ever be normal again, that is very very clear now. The magnitudes of this scam covers every single aspect that I have read the last decade and half, from physical to mental (side) effects of what has become the new normal on planet earth.

I bet they felt stupid when they realised that this was the perfect setup, because they could have done it at anypoint in time before now!

I think personally, the Esptein story, and also the rise of Bitcoin, and other events that hasnt yet accured to me, was the tipping point where they needed to get full control before it went the other way and not in their favor..

I cannot deny that on numerous occasions I have marvelled at the brilliance of their plan. So many layers of complexity to it, created over such a long period of time. Who would have thought the world could be shut down due to an imagined problem? Yet here we are.

People here keep telling me the same thing: "it will all be over soon". I just smile and give them the obligatory "oui". Everyone is so very locked into their own personal belief system (gov approved of course) and I would be wasting my time to say anything beyond this.

As for their timing, I believe they had to wait for this moment. Though as you say it put an instant lid on so many problems. Here in France no one talks about the Yellow Vest movement any more.

Many key factors coming to a head at this time. Particularly the economic crash & the Grand Solar Minimum which has been building in intensity over these last few years, causing massive worldwide crop damages. The agricultural system was starting to break already before they instigated the virus cover story. Now people will not understand why it is food supplies on Earth are running low and the consequence of this deception is simple. People won't prepare for a future in which growing seasons are shorter and the weather erratic. And more us will die.

Anyways... happy days! Thanks for appreciating the article brother :)

Here in France no one talks about the Yellow Vest movement any more.

Thats shocking to hear!

Like you say slowly with the weather changes, which is obviously also manipulated concidering that weather control was patented in 1965 🙄

Every angle has been covered and is the result ofyears of sepereration of family units, the smartphone, subconscious programming, people policeing other people, the fear, false flags, social experiments, confusion, false belief systems, play with language and words, properganda, schooling, food industy since processed food ideas, conveniences, health, chem trails, even now messing with frequencys in the world with 5G

El Finale Grande 😒 I was listening to a talk on 3speak titled (something close to) 'The psychology of lockdown' but need to finish it tonight, was full of great points.

I hope that there will be more people joining into reallife tribes and going back to basics in nature before to long!

Several things have become clear to me:

  • what we used to call "normal," really wasn't
  • what you are doing, homesteading and homeschooling, is far more normal
  • I will not be part of a society that forbids children to play and grandparents to see their grandchildren. But there are people who will. Some will spiral downward in this time, while others spiral upward.
  • There is quite a lot of trickery going on. If you aren't suceptible to the message that tells you to conjure up fear, you may yet be hit by the one that tells you to mourn for the world that has passed, for the illusion of freedom and for all the people who will now be isolating themselves.

People do this to themselves. It's sad and it should not happen, but it does and your best way to stop it is to focus clearly on what is true and connect with others who do the same.

As it appears you have done.
From Florida (where the government's attempt to tame people is half-hearted at best,) I wish you luck in finding the untamed people in your area.

Some will spiral downward in this time, while others spiral upward

I see this very clearly. But what I also see is animosity between these two groups. We are continually being divided and pitted against each other. Vaccines are the cue card on this occasion. So it is one thing to choose abstinence from a mad society but achieving it will become increasingly hard to do without being told our decisions are somehow endangering others.

And you are right of course, people do it to themselves. Such is the absurdity and brilliance of their plan.

For now life appears normal here in provincial France but I am preparing for food shortages this summer. And I recommend everyone do the same.

Thank you for your response here. Great to know things are not too crazy in Florida.

... not too crazy yet.
Food shortages will probably hit us all, though.

Having researched the subject of food production and current agricultural systems extensively over the last few years I am sorry to say you are right. Which is why I continue to post vegetable porn on a regular basis. Perhaps it will inspire people to start growing ;)

Saddens me to my inner core Sam

Hi Eden. It can feel sad if we dwell on it. So always important (especially from a vibrational standpoint) to move the attention to the solutions. There will always be problems in the world and the only thing we have control over is what we choose to put our attention on. Researching & writing this article was quite enough for me! And the solution FEELS ridiculously GREAT. Like another piece in a giant jigsaw puzzle suddenly falling into its correct place.

Sometimes we cannot know what we want until we know with certainty what it is that we don't want ;)

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.

Thank you :)

Your children are looking good and happy! Thanks for sharing these thoughts in a clear and straightforward manner. Things are going well here in Mexico and we are fortunately surrounded by nature and usually make a daily swimming visit to the river.

We were able to go to the nearby town a few days ago and entry to various large/corporate stores required that we wear a mask. From that brief experience I agree with your statements that it just feels very unhealthy to do so. The small local stores that were open didn't require masks.

This is another way that things will be divided... In order to access these big stores, a person will have to consent to various requirements. Right now that is wearing a mask but in the future it could easily be: "Show me your vaccination card". As I'm sure that you are aware, Consent is a key factor in the master plan.

Surrounded by nature sounds perfect. And daily river swims too!

If needless security measures force people back to the small family run stores that will be a rather enjoyable outcome to all of this ;)

Hey, I don't know what made me think of this now but I remember you once expressing an interest in helping out with the @survival-archive project. It has been rolling along at a steady rate for the last few months with 50 books uploaded now:

My collection of books is not running dry yet but in a few more months it will be and I wondered if you may have PDF format books you would be willing to share?

Yes, I've subscribed to the archive on LBRY and downloaded a bunch of the material. Right now I don't have a good Internet connection so I've been unable to view anything recent.

I do have some PDF material but I believe that some is copyrighted. What's your position on that? Send me a message on Telegram sometime (@dmwh). I have a few questions for you.

PS: Your @survival-archive link above has a typo.

Thanks for noticing the typo. Hope I've not been doing that too regularly!

Right, I will look you up on Telegram today :)

Yeah things are really Accelerating now and so many are still in denial, expecting it all to blow over. So glad you will be home educating your kids, hopefully more people will as well because of those ridiculous rules. We are on the right path though, glad to be on this journey with you my friend xxx

As I am glad to be on this journey with you x

Hey, I am still watching that robin I mentioned and trying to figure out if the mum has actually abandoned her babies in place of the outsider baby! And if so... what is the message here??? Perhaps nothing. I just enjoy looking for the signs ;)