Bit Frayed 'Round the Edges...

but then again, aren't we all right now...!

Fuchsia 0912

Yesterday, we made a quick trip to the shops to pick up some essential groceries and also stopped at the hardware to pick up some potting mix and a couple of other things to keep me occupied over the coming weeks.

Funny thing is, I had one of those moments where I was passing some outdoor plants and thought, 'oh, wonder if they have any fuchsia left' - despite it being several weeks since I'd seen them for sale.

Fuchsia 0924

As I turned to face the plants, my ring of wealth shines more brightly! and a golden loot-beam rises from the pot'

All jokes aside... would you believe? I literally turned around and immediately laid eyes on one single, solitary Fuchsia... sitting all by it's self, amongst the Azaleas.

Haha, meant to be, I thought... and picked up the one pot that had obviously been placed there >>> just for me. LOL

At first glance, I couldn't see a price 'sticker' anywhere and instead found it hand-written on the side of the pot in silver marker. This made me feel that it was probably was one of the last one's left - which in turn, made me feel extremely lucky for finding it... not only due to the synchronicity of the moment but also, because Fuchsia are one of my favourite flowers.

Nevertheless, it was a very fitting 'comfort' buy that will help keep me sane over the next little while.

Utilising a single spot of light that was shining onto the surface - 0915

Special one, just for the shadow lovers - 0923

So..! somewhere between the shelf and the register... I managed to snap one of the branches and of course, it just happened to be 'the one branch' that was growing 'the only flower' ~rolls eyes, fml~

Rather than discarding the branch, I decided to make the best out of a bad situation and seized the opportunity to capture the flower's beauty before it faded.... Soon after arriving home, I found an area with loads of natural sunlight, (even a tiny, pin-hole spotlight!) where I could set up with my camera.

My focus for the exercise was to 'practice using different camera angles to achieve interesting results in composition'.

Fuchsia - 0919

So, I'm not sure whether I managed to achieve 'interesting results' in my composition, but I did have lots of fun trying out different angles, looking for interesting shapes, getting some things right but as always, learning from my mistakes.

Until next time... xxx

Be safe and stay sane... ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for stopping by and reading my post, I really do appreciate your time.

All photos, stories and graphics are my own work unless otherwise noted.

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Sane? Nope. I'm going bananas in a quarantine hotel lol. Great photos - a bit of beauty in these bizarro times.

Oh no, when u say quarantine hotel... does that mean you're isolated? in a hotel or do you mean that as a figure of speech? I'm hoping it's the later. I must say, it IS getting a bit weird now that some places are opening and others are still on a strict curfew. - and I also reserve the right to NOT stay sane lol - Thanks for your comment :)

It's a mandatory detention in Australia. As soon as you get here, you get escorted to a hotel and not let out for two weeks. It's really scary.

Haha - yep, me too - I've definitely gone a bit bananas - I think we all have!

Ok, I was wondering if you were in Australia... but that's not good, I hope the time passes quickly for you but good to see you can access Hive for some entertainment.

After all of this is over, we'll have to collectively celebrate (in spirit, of course) our 'regaining' of sanity (and freedom, I hope..!)

Don't suppose that rooting hormone stuff or shoving it into a pot would have helped?

Well you got some really nice pictures :)

You know, I did think about it as I do have rooting powder but I wasn't sure if there were enough sections of stem for it to be successful, AND because I knew the plant would be coming home with me, I figured I've got lots of future opportunities to try... what an awesome bonus if it works!