#Listbuilding - Tracking And Conversions 2 Weeks Later - Plus #2020vision Day +37

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

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#Listbuilding - Tracking And Conversions 2 Weeks Later

So it has been about 2 weeks sine I last shared my statistics for tracking and conversions in this post, #Listbuilding - Track Your Results - Plus 2020vision Day +22.

Now is therefore a great time to do a follow up on this, and to see if the new LCP also have had some impact on my conversions from Traffic Exchanges and Mailers.

According to my statistics from Trafficwave, I have had 10 new subscribers in this period, and from my Conversion Tracking in LeadsLeap I have had 6 full opt-ins, and that means the other 4 either signed up from the CTP Gauntlet, or they had Cookies turned off or some other technical malfunction.

So first I had 2 confirmed subscribers from the old LCP with the video, and what you see in the picture below is the stats just for where they came from, and before I changed the tracking to track both my Thank You Pages for this particular campaign.

Screenshot from LeadsLeap

So it has a great conversion ratio from my blog, but in a TE it has a poor ratio, LeadsLeap being the only one to even get a conversion, so let's look at the other LCP.

Screenshot from LeadsLeap

So here you see the stats where I am tracking both Thank You Pages, and full signup is at Conversion B, and I got 4 signups here and all from Leadsleap, with an almost 1% conversion ratio, so this is a really great ratio.

It also means that the new LCP works great, though still no new subscribers from other traffic sources, and it seems that the difference between Conversion A and B could be improved, not really sure what goes on there to be honest.

So this was the update about tracking and conversions, I hope you found it interesting, and maybe even helpful.

2020Vision Day +37

So I continue to watch 4 ads per day for my #2020vision, my form of creative pushups, and today I made that in ClickVoyager, and you can see my Weekly Schedule here.

2020vison was started by @pixiepost, and it's goal is to draw attention and awareness to the Hive blockchain and to promote health and the Actifit dApp, and you can see her announcement here.

Screenshots from my mobile watching 4 ads.





So that was my #2020vision for today.

Thank You!

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Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

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This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

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 4 years ago  

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