Money can't Buy you Happiness, but it can buy you security.

in #cryptolast year

There have been long-held views that millionaires are getting richer, billionaires are becoming even more wealthy and the average person's income is dwindling or at least not going anywhere. Those perceptions don’t match up with reality. People who worry about wasting their hard-earned money in the wrong places, find the following tips helpful.


Research shows that people desire wealth guarded more so than they fear poverty, that society judges someone rich more favorably over someone poor, and that people think crazy risks will provide them with a better chance of wealth building.

In final concluding sentences, they are advocating that including more of the following three-four ingredients will enhance your financial stability. After opening the door to more social projects and mastering our emotional side as well as emotional management, we will have success in life. If all these elements come together and you are willing to change your time and finances, then you'll have a higher possibility of being wealthy.

You could put financial stability in two categories. Firstly, what you should do and work towards to gain financial stability. Secondly, which will probably not get there anytime soon if at all.

Some people are left wondering about their true monetary worth and their futures financially because they are single parents, lost their job due to illness, or retired prematurely due to old age. Some people may have a mental condition that occurred during childhood making it challenging for them to have financial freedom such poverty-related needs.

Funnily enough, no one is clear on what they really value most and these values often influence how they choose their streams of income, the types of expenses they incur, the investments they make, and so forth. Many people don't know the value of their time which is crucial in this economy more than ever before - considering half of the day is squeezed out spending working hours consuming products/services offered by society's demand for it as we never had wanted before.

It is about whether to choose the short-term incentives by cheating or taking a lower-paying job that does not offer such an incentive that would be answerable by one's values.

People cannot be truly free if they are living in poverty which is usually a result of things that they don't have control of like their financial situation and having enough money to cover expenses.

One way to become wealthier is to contract with oneself, making oneself exempt from work until the end of the week so that one can do those things that matter most for the long term. Sacrifice small pleasures today in order to make space in daily life for larger, more enduring pursuits.

The first step is to save your unnecessary expenses like food, clothes, magazines/books, movies, etc. The next step would be to learn investment options and then maybe even buy real estate and stocks over the next five years.

Losing money is equivalent to losing something of immense value, importance, and life-sustaining power. People take the subject very sensitively, Most people believed that they remain in control regardless of those aspects that people around them may think differently. However, the things are not true; it is a heavy responsibility, not just the money does matter but who you share things with and how you spend this financial resource.

Everything has a cost: family members, relationships, and environment.

My journey to the world of crypto.

NFA: Not Financial Advice!
