To succeed, create success.

in #cryptolast year

You have the power to make yourself wealthy, no one else can do it for you.


You are the individual that needs to take ownership and recognize the error in how your day is currently being spent. Once you understand this concept, then you will start seeing exponential growth that has a future of turning into immense wealth.

Everybody has unique qualifications. They have a natural skillset. And they can leverage that skillset to produce wealth and success.

Some people find income and resources although they may not be yet wealthy or successful because they have time and chance on their side while other people are still struggling with a lack of money, value, or trust in themselves or others in the end cycle of their lives. Wealth may not depend on wealth as we would think, but it might depend on life values that increase their chances for connections with sharp power players who are interested in developing further into wealthier ventures.

Rich people know what rich people do: Either work to make money or get rich from assets.

If you are completely happy with yourself, your goal, and your way of life – and you have the cash flow or assets required to maintain it, congratulations if you are in the top one percent of humanity!

People think that in order for you to live a comfortable life all you need is fame, status, and money; but what we can be certain of is that it will not work out in the end. It takes more than these things to lead a comfortable life. Knowing the fundamentals of how money affects your life and mastering how to trade with it will unlock enormous benefits on your way to success.

Money always has a way to influence one’s emotional state of mind.

But our understanding of money is far too often shaped by faulty information and misinformation. The right way to see wealth is not how to accumulate money (as this can lead to excessive consumption) but how one could share it for the greater good; such as through contributions to social causes and charities, or wealth-focused lifestyle changes that help the individual move from being a slave to money by moving the emphasis away from what we don’t have and towards what we do have, including sharing time, talents, treasure, uplifting experiences and so on.

I look for a conclusion to support the passage of my writing.

Generally, wealth is defined by income and resources; value is based on knowing how to spend and save, opportunity is an alert that changes a person from one of many to one of the handfuls; and trust correlates closely with being open, honest, and loyal.

Success depends on control through perceiving an array of alternative decisions as opposed to being unaware or having only one restrictive option.

Becoming a successful person in this competitive world means you need to understand that only the people who work hard, learn wise, and knows when to act fast.

The analysis would tell you about many ways and ideas which could even seem insane or impossible. But if well-grasped then they can be used as valuable information in some rare circumstances.

Many people have mixed feelings about this idea of success, some admire it but few don’t want others to reach there by their way and struggle for it.

Below will be a deeper analysis of success from various perspectives and points of view:

  • No is the answer for the word “critical”

  • What does "integrity" mean?

  • The word "located" is missing after "of liberty"

To be successful, it is a must to invest wisely in oneself and take action in those avenues that are worthy.

The following are questions that the audience needs to ask itself in order to see if they are on the right track:

  • Do I have enough resources (time, finances, skills)?

  • Am I getting an adequate chance?

  • Is there trust prevailing especially with whom one deals?

  • Am I clear-headed so as not to make impulsive decisions based on emotions or false hope?

If these questions have been properly answered in their favor then the person may be on their way to prosperity.

My journey to the world of crypto.

NFA: Not Financial Advice!
