We're Empowering people with technology that has a human impact

in #crypto2 years ago


Crypto without technology would return to primitive times. A world without technology will mean a lack of clean water, food, shelter, and much more limiting general access to meaningful work.

Imagine the future of crypto without technology: how would your day change? You’d stop using your phone for one. Without light and powerful software like Google Maps over the globe, we would be lost. You couldn't order anything from Amazon or buy bitcoin from Coinbase with a click nowadays; imagine the future of crypto without technology.

The global drone market will hit $15 billion over the next five years, and that's just unmanned aerial vehicle technology. Technology is dominant in wellbeing and our lives now, ranging from health to finance to leisure activities. Technology has created elements of our hopes and dreams, from a system where you can set your own schedule “future of money" or purify water with THERMOSCARF technology.

Cryptocurrency will be a currency that has banks and regulations put into question when we cannot imagine the world without these astonishing advancements. Imagine what your life would be like without modern medicine or transportation systems that allow us to quickly travel across vast distances. You may have never been born to make such an opinion if technology did not exist today.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?

On one hand, technology is good because it gives us so many job opportunities. As a result, people have a high quality of life and are able to take better care of their families. On the other hand, it also creates an abundance of problems because people need to compete with others who have the same skills or experience. There is a possibility that we will lose decades-worth of learning and emotional intelligence when systems get replaced by machines that can "feel".

Technology has really changed the way we make money or conduct business. It wasn't just a change in business or the economy but in life itself.

We may imagine a future where robots build cars on an assembly line and do not need to pay either human for their job. In such a future, everyone that does not have wealth will starve and when there is no one to buy goods because every person can afford anything needed for survival on their computer, the only way to generate more wealth will be by extracting it from other people.

This would inevitably be followed by some form of the uprising as the disadvantaged class revolts against those hindering human progress.

Technology has allowed individuals to have a lot of money and influence that would not have been possible in reality. But this also comes with consequences, scarcity. Most importantly people don't have time to focus on personal development anymore which ironically is the capital that leads to success.

In an Information Age society where we are surrounded by information and the constant availability of data, many people crave having control at their fingertips. But do we really need those tools or are they just keeping us obedient? People should be finally starting to realize that technology has more risks than rewards for them and start taking back control themselves instead of leaving it up to tech giants such as Google, Reddit, and Facebook.

When technology is introduced into society there will be some jobs created but other than that it may cut into income as well as introduce some new hierarchies in society with stratification from those who can afford adapters. Quality education will become more valuable and traded off with old stereotypes when it comes to income margins thanks to automation techniques like artificial intelligence.

My journey to the world of crypto.

NFA: Not Financial Advice!
