Electroneum struggling with negative comments due to mishandling of mobile miner users...

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Electroneum team has been unable to pay to mobile miner users for a week. Their Facebook page is filled with negative comments from users complaining about lack of proper response from the team.

Due to recent ASIC attacks towards many CryptoNote coins, it has been hard week for people trying to mine with GPUs and that has increased transaction confirmation times to unacceptable levels. People are waiting for Electroneum team to hard fork to better algorithm that is both ASIC resistant and solves the ever worsening problem with transaction confirmation times due to high number of transactions still waiting to be added to a block.

Some users even speculate that Electroneum team is not up for the task and we will see the project fail within next few months.


Want to get free electroneum? You can earn more if you use this code: 86EF53 ,in the electroneum android mobile miner :)