Have You Ever Felt the Need For a Mulligan in Your Business?

in #ctp3 years ago (edited)

If you are not a golfer, you may not be familiar with the term mulligan. Merriam-Webster defines a mulligan as "a free shot sometimes given a golfer in informal play when the previous shot was poorly played". In layman's terms, this is basically a "do over"...a time when you realize what you just did was less than desirable and you feel, given another chance, you would experience a better outcome. With that said, after considering the alternatives, I have decided to take a mulligan on this blog and the information provided here. This was done to help eliminate any future confusion when it comes to the historical posts associated here. With this in mind, I felt it only fair to explain why I have made this decision and what to expect going forward.

As someone who for many years (off and on) has tried to make money online, I mostly spent cash out of my pocket and never recouped much of my investment. I soon decided there's GOT to be a better way. That's when I started searching around for programs that made money, but did not require any investment on my part. I learned that this was NOT a get-rich-quick process, but if I consistently took the small amounts I earned from these free programs and reinvested them in stable, honest programs, I could create a residual income.

I did this for several months and came to a realization that using this method, I could work 6, 8, 10 hours a day or more and make less than a dime. In addition to that, I learned there are more scams out there then there are legitimate programs. I also learned that the people who actually make money using this method have a huge list of referrals in these programs and are not putting forth all of that effort to earn money by themselves. They spend more time finding other people than they do earning money. Therefore, you cannot expect to make any decent amount of money if you are relying on your own efforts. Since I have never been very good at recruiting or retaining referrals, I decided that I needed to change my tactics.

As I was going through this experience, I was reintroduced to a program that I originally started some ten years ago. It had several things going for it. First of all, it was still around (sort of, at least the name/concept was still around and it was still being run by one of the original owners). Second, that program offered short video tutorials on how to build an affiliate marketing business online. Thirdly, I could follow this system with no out of pocket investment. This fit perfectly into my original plan, so I decided to give it another look. What I discovered was that I could spend less time each day and make more money with this program. Oh, I'm not getting rich, yet, but I am making more that I did collecting a fraction of a cent for clicking on an advertisement.

So, why isn't everybody doing this? Here's the deal. This program embraces a new paradigm. It utilizes tools and practices that are outside the norm. It is on the leading edge of online business and is not widely embraced by the general public. It requires that you be willing to get out of step with the masses. It requires that you be willing to take on the mind of a business owner. It requires that you be willing to help others reach their goals in order to reach your own. It requires that you be willing to get out of your comfort zone and do the things that other people won't do in order to have the things that other people don't have.

Switching gears, I started this search for online income in order to fund my true passion of creating a company based on sharing their own family history and life lessons that can be passed on the future generations. I want to teach people to how to capture family stories from their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, even old family friends, to share now and, also, easily and inexpensively publish that information so that it will be around for their descendants for generations to come. In addition to this training, I want to build a community of like minded individuals who will share their stories with each other to in order to inspire each other, encourage each other, and grow in knowledge together.

So, in essence, I will be building two businesses simultaneously...an affiliate marketing business and a family history business. The purpose of this blog will be to track my progress in both. That way, if you are looking to build your own online income, you can see what I am doing to bring in some extra money and decide if it is something you want to check out. Or, if you are looking to build a true online business, you can see the steps I take in creating a brand new company from scratch. Either way, you will be privy to my successes and my failures. You will see me celebrate achievements and fall on my face. I will also, as I learn new things or gain new insight, pass that wisdom along for everyone else's benefit. Hopefully, you will find something useful in your pursuit of a better life. I welcome your comments and questions along the way.