A Dash of Sult N Papper 04/23/20> Judge Lena Hildago, Harris County, Texas… I conditionally accept your order!

in #dailydose4 years ago


I've been pretty...

I’ve been pretty laid back about this CV19 bullshit but the county judge here in Harris county Texas has just stepped over the line in my book.
Yesterday afternoon at 3:00PM central time she announced “her order” that starting on 4/27/20 all people outside of their homes has to wear a “face mask”. I’m sorry folks but my civil disobedience has just kicked in to high gear.

Now is the...

Now is the time when common sense has to rule; not some piss ant county judge that lacks any experience with the position she holds. She has no government or business experience and was only elected during the mid-term elections by a fluke.

I didn’t care much for the republican incumbent who was voted out, but at least he showed some common sense when he was in office. Her previous experience was that of a translator.

So I probably should translate for her “guzbuck off” don’t ya think? Yes, I thought you would agree.

To: Lena Hildago, (Harris County Judge)
From: Sult N Papper

Greetings Lena,
It has been brought to my attention that come 04/27/20 as “persons” we will be required to wear face masks when outside in Harris county by your order. You may think you have the power to this but you are sadly mistaken and don’t. There is something called the Constitution of the United States, you should read it sometime.

As for your “order” that starts on 04/27/20 I first thought I would tell you to “guzbuck off” but you probably are not familiar with the word guzbuck. Anytime in the future if you run across the word just use whatever tense of the F Bomb that works for the situation. But I am going to show my “kinder & gentlemanly side” so I conditionally accept your order, but it will come at a price. I don’t work for free and I don’t work for you.

So each time I leave the house with my face mask on I am going to have to charge you $1,000.00 per incident. Keep in mind I make several trips outside to take care of the animals and to go the store for food and such. I’ve even been known to go outside and take a leak just for the hell of it. Now, those trips outside will be income producing and relieving all in one.

You could expect that your order will cost you or the county about $10,000 a day. I will document my trips outside just to be fair and honest. I don’t want to take anything I haven’t earned, unlike you government folks.

If that $1,000 sounds familiar, or to high, I made the valuation determination based on the amount of the fine a person would get should they not have a mask on based on your order. Out here in the county we call that “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”. I could expect to lose $10K a day if I just took the hard core approach and did what first came to my mind.

To be totally fair I will give you as much time to make me a counter offer as you have given folks here in Harris county warning of your new order. So if I haven’t heard back from you come Tuesday the 28th of April 2020 I will take it by your acquiescence that you are in total acceptance of my conditional acceptance of your order.

Starting May1st I will be keeping track and since it is only 30 days you want me to wear the mask so I’ll hold off billing you each week and just give you one invoice at the end of our deal.

I would come down and shake your hand to seal the deal, but you know; have to “social distance” for the time being. Oh, and if you come up with any more orders I’ll conditionally accept those as well. Sales are a “little off” right now and I can use the extra money.
Now be safe,
Sult N Papper

Well, I think...

Well, I think that will do it. In "law" if someone makes you an offer (order) never turn it down. That would be a “dishonor” so just work the terms to your liking. I like these terms now and if I don’t hear back from Judge Hidalgo I guess she agrees to my terms.

That is one thing that most people don’t realize, how ‘acquiescence’ constitutes “acceptance”. So be careful when someone sends you any “offer”, you need to reply with a counter offer. Otherwise in “law” you have agreed to the offer by your silence. Sounds crazy?

Yes it does. The truth is; “crazier than fiction” and that is just one example of the truth.

Ya’ll have a great day; I need to see about making me some face masks. I bet Shortie can whip me some up in no time at all on her little sewing machine.

Until next time,


No face mask? No problem!


That's hilarious, got to give her credit on that one.

What bullshit. We have to wear a mask to enter stores now in PA. Or something mask like. Tying a handkerchief around your face is considered acceptable. Which is hilarious, what the hell kind of good does wearing a hankie do? Of course 90% of the people throw it on right before they enter and take it off the second they exit around my parts.

It really is bullshit, even the sheriffs deputies are upset with this order. Murder rates are spiking here way faster than the virus and so are most other violent crimes and this dumb ass is worried about $1,000 tickets for no face masks.
My wife said that civil rights law suits have already been filed against her. The only problem with that is the courts are just as guzbucked up as she is, because when she got elected so did a bunch of liberal judges as well.
Just another attempt to steal what little liberty we have left.

A judge issued the order? Really? Seriously?

She needs a civics lesson. Executive, Legislative, Judicial. For my money she's WAY out of her jurisdiction (as it were).

What did I miss? How did it get to the point where the judiciary can formulate and implement policy, independent of the other two branches. I know that some courts 'influence' legislation and policy but to directly order it? Who in the hell does she think she is?

I can't imagine that order lasted through the night. Whatever the next level court in Texas should swat that down right away. If not them, the Texas Supreme Court. Egregious is the word I've been searching for.

Does Harrison County not have an executive or a board?

I do like your solution, but I'm thinking that your $1000 trip to feed the dups is probably not happening.

She is the judge of the county commissioners court, which is the "board" or the equivalent to one.
I haven't heard yet from the wife the latest on this but I'm sure there will be more to come.

I do take care of the dups a little bit, I move the dups pen everyday for the girls so I will include it on my invoice.

Thanks for the support,

Face masks is a line in the sand for me - but I don't know how I would protest it if it became law here. Because I probably wouldn't have anyone to back me up - people in Scotland are mostly freaked out by all the mainstream media fearmongering and if it became law I'd probably get attacked for not wearing one. Maybe I'd wear a "grim reaper" mask or something.

While some people might think I need a mask to cover up my ugly mug just to hide the looks, I am right with you on not wearing a face mask just because some government "official" says I must do it.

I'm sure they don't think that! 😂