A Dash of Sult N Papper 11/20/20> Corona virus is the least of problems in the USA

in #dailydose3 years ago (edited)


So much has...

So much has been made this year of corona virus here in the USA and around the world but there are far more important issues that are being overlooked.

Two hundred forty four years ago something was done that had never been done before; brave people broke free of their tyrannical ruler and established a free society. The founders named that society the United States. That free society no longer exists as it was established.

What the guzbuck…

“What the guzbuck happened?”, I ask you. I have my own thoughts on this but I would really enjoy hearing your answer to this question. Earlier in the week I said we need to do some self examination here in the USA and this really needs to happen. Each one of us has to determine where we’ll draw the line in the sand.

Like I said in the title of this Dash corona virus is the least of problems in the USA and I stand by that statement. The United States currently ranks 15th in the Index of Freedom in the world. How does the country that was once the pinnacle of freedom in the world drop to 15th in the world in that category?

That’s a damn …

That’s a damn good question: a question that each of us should be asking ourselves and our elected officials.

Somebody has some ‘splaining to do’ as my father would say. If I were going to boil it down to the bare basics I’d conclude it’s from misplaced trust.

Most people are good and honest people; qualifier being “most”.

Politicians don’t start out in life as politicians, I’d even give the benefit of the doubt that most are good and honest people who think they can make a positive difference and that is why they chose to get involved in politics.

“In God We Trust” is printed on the currency we use in the USA. We used to have lawful money not legal tender (as it is called now) but we can chalk that up to the misplaced trust. The politicians we trusted guzbucked us out of lawful money and stuck us with a bunch of fiat legal tender.

Education is indoctrination…

Education is indoctrination make no mistake about it.

Public education since the 1930’s has only been about one thing; dumb down the masses. The politicians have gone as far as making it a crime if your children don’t attend a school that teaches what the politicians what them to know. Some of us have actually fought back and home school our children, but it has been a rough fight.

Even our history is being rewritten in order to hide things that are very important and it won’t be long before our grand children won’t be able to read the true history because cursive writing is no longer taught in the schools.

All the founding documents are written in cursive script so in the future people will have to rely on the “translation” that will be provided. God help us.

Corona virus is…

Corona virus is real I’m not about to dispute that, I will dispute several things that have taken place as a result of it. We are a good seven months or more into this situation and we’ve allowed our country to be picked away at like a buzzard picks away at dead varmints on the side of the road.

The economy has been damaged; trillions of dollars of government debt have been run up in fighting this virus. Our rights have been reduced to just memories. Freedom of association, freedom of assembly just to name a couple that comes to mind as governors are putting limits on Thanksgiving celebrations. You can bet that Christmas will be the same if people don’t take a stand and do it now.

The election of 2020…

The election of 2020 is more significant than most Americans realize right now. The vote that took place on Nov.3 and leading up to it with early voting is a guzbucking mess to put it mildly.

The voting process needs serious overhaul and while I know the process is governed by the states the federal government can and should reform it.

There should be no voting machines, paper ballots with blue ball point pens will work just fine. A thumb print in red ink is another requirement I think is needed, when the ballot is accepted.

It is beyond comprehension that some states used voting machines and software that were design for Hugo Chavez to win elections crookedly in Venezuela and would be used here in 2020. Where was the due diligence in vetting those machines and software?

I think there…

I think there was due diligence done; I don’t think it was done in the best interest of the common man here. We can’t rely on the news media for honesty; we surely can’t rely on the FBI for a proper investigation into what took place. It is going to be up to us to hold the state officials feet to the fire.

What good are...

What good are the state election rules if they can be arbitrarily enforced?

Why on earth would either party have a problem with getting to the truth on what took place?

Why are votes counted with decimal values by the voting machines when each vote has a whole value of one (1)?

Where is the chain of custody of the cast ballots as those ballots made their way from one location to another to be counted?

Not only the...

Not only the chain of custody but the amount of time elapsed between departure and arrival from one location to another?

If the polling locations closed at 7:00 PM does it really take 9 hours to load those votes in a van and drive them across the county to the tabulation center?

People acknowledge that in Detroit at least three vehicles showed up around 4:00 in the morning with about 130,000 ballots to be counted.

I am no genius but that is one question I’d be asking if I were a lawyer; 9 hours to get from one side of the county to other?

Probably not even across the whole county, I would guess the tabulation center is somewhat centrally located in the county.

States rights are…

States rights are important but it might be is time to separate federal elections from the state and local elections in order to have uniformity.

This would be the only way to at least give the resemblance of holding a fair election.

My vision would be every voter in every state having to cast a ballot in the same manor and under the same rules for federal elections.

It sure as...

It sure as hell could be done but it will be up to us, (the governed), to demand it. If a state doesn’t want to go along with it fine; we can just cut the federal money going to that state. I can remember back in the 1970’s it being done in order to implement the 55 mph speed limits during the oil crunch.

There is no question in my mind that we have a lot of work to do in order to regain our freedom and our ranking in the freedom rankings. The question is, have you had enough already and are you willing to take a stand? I know I have.

Until next time,

Don't forget; if you want your very own ‘ Guzbuck Ya'll" t shirt or your own “Guzbuck..I’m good.” coffee mug then check out the guzbuck_shop here.


Hello, it's good that there is a blockchain free of censorship and I'm glad that you can express all the feelings of confusion, frustration and concern about an uncertain future in your country.

I regret this situation and hope that you will think about it and take action in time, that those in charge of the electoral registry will do their job correctly and not allow the digitalization of the votes.

Why are votes counted with decimal values by the voting machines when each vote has a whole value of one (1)?

What you have just mentioned was a question that millions of Venezuelans asked, why decimals, is that perhaps there are people halfway. Half of one person voted and the other half stayed home to watch the show.

The numbers are simple. They want an example of what corruption can do.

In less than 25 years, Venezuela has become a country with shortages in every sense.

Here, where I live, people will stop cooking with domestic gas to do it with firewood.

Because not even buying an electric stove can solve it, electric rationing can last between 5 to 12 hours depending on the region, there is no drinking water, shopping is a luxury, there is no gasoline which implies that people like me who use public transportation, have to walk 10 kilometers daily to be able to go to a job that only suffices to buy 2 items a day.

Why walk? Well, the little transport that is active because spare parts are imported and come out expensive, they spend up to 3 days queuing up for gas.

Basic services, such as roads are useless, telecommunications are useless, and the fact that I am writing this message is a miracle.

I would like to publish continuously but because of all the factors mentioned and others that I do not want to mention anymore. I cannot do it.

Take care of your freedom, the price to pay for losing it is very high @sultnpapper

I am about to post the contest. I respect you and your decision not to enter. Your comment my right here would make a good entry in itself.

Hi, I just read the contest publication and changed my mind about participating or not.

You may wonder what made me change, maybe you think it's the prize but no. 😂.

I changed my mind because everything has a cause and an effect, and nothing is completely bad or good.

Since you are asking for all the points of view, I will participate by adding more content to one of my comments in one of your posts.

Thanks, see you soon 🤗

Thank you for reconsidering and I look forward to reading your honest view on the subject. I know in my heart that the prize is not the driving force behind your decision. You care about people and sharing the truth is most helpful thing a person can do.