A Dash of Sult N Papper 12/5/20> Critical error; leading to exposure… hopefully.

in #dailydose3 years ago


As this election...

As this election drama unfolds in the USA more and more people are getting interested into to getting to the truth.

Truth can be a scary thing for some and for others, like myself, know that the truth can set you free. This election can give a whole new meaning to the word woke and if it does, like I hope it will, there are going to be a whole bunch of people that will have a whole bunch of explaining to do.

I have constantly...

I have constantly said that words have meanings and in “law” those words have a completely different meaning from what we know that word to mean.

Let’s take the word “man” for example, we all know that it means a living, breathing person with a heart, lungs, brains, blood, vascular system along with other skeletal and muscular systems. Do we all agree on that?

Of course we do. Anybody in their right mind would know that since very early on in their life, before the age of ten years old in most cases.

The United States Code...

The United States Code, section seven, subsection 136 (which is the definitions subsection) has man labeled as an animal. Don’t believe me? Read it for yourself;
The term “animal” means all vertebrate and invertebrate species, including but not limited to man and other mammals, birds, fish, and shellfish.

So, I want you to think about this for second; what do we need to do with our animals or pets? We need to license them for starters, and then we have to make sure they have the required shots and vaccinations so we can keep them “legally”. The same holds true for our children; vaccinations and shot records and of course they are registered that was done with the birth certificate.

We also need licenses to hunt, fish, drive, get married, and in a lot of cases work. The government seems to really control their animals wouldn't you say?

To the government...

To the government we are nothing more than a bunch of farm animals. Some of those farm animals need more control like in public schools and in the case of the obnoxious or dangerous animals they need to be controlled in places like jails or prisons.

Look at it from another angle too. Animals on the farm are there to produce, cows produce milk, hens produce eggs and in the old days ox and horses plowed the fields.

Today, “we the people” are nothing more than free range farm animals for the most part that the government expects to produce for the government without much government physical control of us. As long as we go about our normal daily activities and have payroll taxes withheld and file our taxes every year on April 15th the government is content to let us roam free on the government farm.

I have said...

I have said plenty of times in the past that the US Code, according to the government, was to “organize” the laws and not replace the constitution but that are exactly what the US Code has done. We the people have got to wake up.

This take over started back in 1866 and through sleight of hand, deliberate manipulation of the language, and blatant theft we have been reduced to a bunch of farm animals holding a big bag of manure called “civil rights”.

When elected officials get to greedy, which they have done now, they run the risk of creating a critical error.

This election in my opinion is that critical error. Both of the controlling political parties are as corrupt as the day is long. This is the time in history when the truth from the past could be brought to light and expose the fraud for what it is; the theft of our God given rights.

Most people look...

Most people look at the election as "party vs. party" and if their party wins they win. I beg to differ; no matter which party wins we lose; the only difference between the parties is the names. Both parties have no intention to restore anything that has been taken from us and that is what people need to understand.

We need to start holding our elected officials feet to the fire.

We need to read the actual history of the country and start pointing it out to them. I know damn well it isn’t easy but if you care about the future of this country it is your duty to get informed and get involved.

The pen is truly mightier than the sword; because that is exactly how the government has slaughtered us, with the pen.
Until next time,

Don't forget; if you want your very own ‘ Guzbuck Ya'll" t shirt or your own “Guzbuck..I’m good.” coffee mug then check out the guzbuck_shop here.


...there are going to be a whole bunch of people that will have a whole bunch of explaining to do.

Well, from what i have seen... they will never explain.
First, they will try to take you into their confidence.
Then bribe you.
Then send out goons to silence you.
Then they will throw out a scape goat.

i do not know, we haven't ever seen beyond this.
My guess is that those slimes who borked our election will never tell us anything.
T.H.E.Y. will take it to their graves.
And T.H.E.Y. will do EVERYTHING that can be thought up first.

This is the part i really hate.
You can get to a point where you have a pretty good understanding of what happened.
You have put the entire puzzle together.

But you can't get anyone in "authority" to acknowledge it.

Even when you say that multiple bullets came from the Grassy Knoll, T.H.E.Y. just respond with, "there was only one bullet from the book depository".

To me, we as the people have been to complacent and have let this monster size government grow unchecked, it is overdue that we do serious pruning of this poisonous bush. Quite frankly, a can of gasoline and a match would be a better way to get rid of it. That's one to get rid of poison ivy that I done before.
If this country makes it to the 2222 elections it will be a guzbucking miracle.
Take care,