We're good together

We have been living together for 6 years.
Sometimes we fight, but more often together

Мы уже 6 лет живём вместе.
Иногда ссоримся, но чаще дружно
скиф и кот.jpg

Today it is too hot in St. Petersburg,
you need to find a cooler place.
Here, this is what you need!

Сегодня в Петербурге слишком жарко,
нужно найти более прохладное место.
Вот, это то что нужно!


The dog ran off to play football.
They called me, but I prefer to lie in the shade


Пёс убежал играть в футбол.
Звал и меня, но я предпочитаю в теньке поваляться


Good evening to all.
Всем счастливо!



Very sweet friends! They look so cute together.

the cat is the main one, he is 7 years older

Wow! Seven years older! He is an experienced gentleman cat!!

he is calm and friendly. He just doesn't like being driven around in a car. Might throw up