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RE: Market rallye incoming?

in #deutsch • last year

My understanding of finance is not very good. I hope one of your predictions is right:

a strong rebound of the... crypto market


And the other is wrong:

At some point in the next 12 months I expect a harsh recession to occur

A question (maybe several in one):

Do you expect the recession to be global? Will it affect certain parts of the world more severely? If the war situation gets worse, are all bets off and we have no idea what will happen. (That is my understanding of war: no winners, just loss and chaos).

Thanks for an interesting post.


Thank you for your comment!
Yes, I expect a global recession, with some countries to suffer more and others less. Energy-poor and/or export/import-reliant countries as Germany, China or Japan could do worse than the US or France.

And yes, the development of the war is highly unpredictable and could make everything worse 🫤