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RE: Zeilen aus dem Licht-Blickwinkel

in #deutsch2 years ago

Welcome to HIVE. May I suggest you put your poetry through a translate app to English and or Spanish ... I know it is never the same but it would be nice to a feel for your writing:)

I hope you don't mind but I put your first stanza through one ...

When we all hide behind facades and hedges out of decency, beliefs and habits. Then we are small and limited, we are locked up in a role, have forgotten to grow, to give us space and size, just so that it does not arise, the vulnerability and nakedness.

Very enriching words:)


Thank you very much for your valuable words and input.
I will add it in English at the next post

  • thank you for already translating a little - that's great. I am very happy about your feedback

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