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RE: Personal Finances Can Be a Very Sensitive Topic

in #dreemer3 years ago

for some...

but for those who are realizing that they've made some very poor choices along the way - living for the moment, instead of for the future - they are taking strong moves to get out of debt and start saving 4-6 months of savings.

i can say that was our journey for a while and we are well on the way to reversing some bad choices early on :)


recognizing limitations in a culture that promotes spending takes strength.

yeah - and wisdom and experience!!!

but we are trying to apply that and this year will show the end of a very long journey - and a huge success on that front :)

Always feels great to have that win and to see that control can be gained.

I had one client who felt so good the first time they bought a large ticket item with cash they had saved they were going to try to live without any credit.

It took me a while to convince them, they need the credit rating in this world. That doesn't mean they have to use the credit.

Exactly!!! Save and buy!! It's a great way to really see if you're living within your means!!!