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RE: Perfect Lines on Feature Walls! - Renegade's Home Build vlog #77

in #dtube4 years ago

Nice lines! There is a downside if you're good at it, though, and I was one of the best (still am), in that capitalism tends to have employers who will exploit one's skills to a fault. This, combined with limited options for most workers (especially younger ones) leaves open the door for abuse. I still have to deal with ongoing neck and shoulder issues at 60 from abusive employers who over-used my skill for their gain.
It's eventually why I had to become self-employed so that I could manage the trade as I got older.
Now the predators are the business financiers! lol fcuk!The new bosses for self-employed people!


Here's last summers project from hell:

That is pretty sweet looking!

For sure. I am in the roofing industry and when I noticed the wear on my body getting to be too much I switched to service work. Planning on becoming self employed in the next few years also. Probably in a different line of work all together.