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RE: Delay in mainnet launch, testnet reset, new economy

in #dtube4 years ago

Aaaarrgh. This is very becoming. It's going to be hard to take anything you say seriously for now. We've really been hyping this event and now we have to tell ppl it's not happening, AGAIN!
Not Cool at all!

I Understand it's important to do everything you said in your post, but you shouldn't have given us a date if you weren't certain this was going to happen.


This reaction is completely justified and we can understand the frustration , we are deeply sorry for our incompetence with giving hard dates. We will not do same mistake again.

You also changed the most attractive feature regarding the economy of the platform.... infinite earning! That was the competitive advantage DTube had compared to other decentralized video platforms..

Is the accumulative VP still part of the plan?

infinite earning will still be there , just claim button will be added for people who would like to claim their rewards at some point.

Sorry, but I don't know why this sounds contradictory to what is stated on the post.

New economy enables people to take away rewards from others with downvote. A vote reward is only claimable after 7 days, and will stop generating rewards after that.

To me it sounds like after 7 days one cannot earn from their video, is that what the last statement means?

It means that rewards are not claimable before 7 days. After 7 days you can claim whenever you want and it will continue to earn rewards if you don't click claim. This 7 day added to prevent future reward pool abuses.

And after claiming, it won't get rewards anymore? Sorry, I'm having trouble understanding when the rewards will stop exactly.

Is this implemented to recognise an abuse pool during that period and being able to downvote to remove the rewards?