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RE: Reminders Why I Went Somewhere Else...

in #facebook4 years ago

"[C]hange comes when you render something you're opposed to powerless in your life."

This is the polar opposite of what so many very opinionated people are saying. Meanwhile, we are here on Hive making an alternative to corporate social media right now. Cryptocurrencies are making a real change in the monetary monopolies of governments. People are choosing to deliberately disregard legislation that they see as an infringement on liberty. This is the way forward.


One of my favorite quotes of the moment — actually nabbed from one of my wife's Facebook groups — is that "Vengeance is not JUSTICE."

Seems to me so many people are doing their own personal sit-and-spin focusing on attacking everything, and if we can just "get rid of" this and that, life will be fine. No, no it will not.

Don't tear down or blow up what you don't like... BUILD a better a alternative. That's part of why I embraced the Steem "experiment" and now continue with Hive... and I'll throw some support behind anyone else trying to create a better alternative. I don't want to fight and tear down things, I want to build things.