The True Face Of Sickness - Enjoy with Troy!

An Unwelcomed intruder came to visit me last Sunday night. It's name was Covid. And accompanying this visitor were the chills, headaches, diarrhea and a sore throat from the pits of hell. By Wednesday I was able to be tested and get the Covid pill. I also had some homemade HCQ, pickle juice, sauerkraut, salt water and any remedy I could find.

I believe I am over the hump, but will still be taking pills till Monday and social distancing through Wednesday. I have had to reschedule music gigs and even a road trip that was much needed. This time has made me think about a lot.

The sickness and pain I have encountered is small potatoes in comparison to what others go through in life.

As am example, I am reminded of the broken family. Mom and dad are living separate lives apart from each other and their children, who are now in the custody of strangers in a foster home or on the streets. Yes, this is all the handiwork of the CPS.

I think of the children, who are trafficked for sex or money, who have lost their innocence... and most of their future. Their plans were suddenly rewritten for a lifetime, not just a week or two. Their lives were stolen and sold out from under them. The horror and psychological baggage will linger and litter their little lives for decade. Will they ever trust again? Will they ever have families, education or careers? Will they even believe in a God?



This destruction far surpasses any Covid plandemic, and yet.... what gets all the attention? It's as if those three lettered press-stitiute media whores don't give a damn about the welfare of our children.

The true virus and sickness is our ignorance and apathy. Why do we allow a two bit bioweapon virus to monopolize the world, when children and families are suffering from a bigger monster? With bonuses to be made and cash on the head of every child, government greed thrives in profits at the expense of the people.

Child slavery is alive and well, but children wear a face of sickness

Viruses will come and go, but children are our tomorrow. Take a good look at a face of a trafficked boy or girl. Look into their eyes. What do they say? I see faces of sickness, suffering in painful voicelessness. I see those who murmur in a wasteland, wanting to be heard. Each of these faces has a story to tell and a life to live.

We are their voice and we have the power to remove the sickness. When we rid ourselves of ignorance and apathy and take a stand for these children, only then, can they be healthy again,. Only then, can there be a balm of healing to a world of sickness.

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@pishio is on its way :-)