Hero Forge Miniatures: Spooky Scary Skeletons

in #figurines4 years ago

Yeah yeah, it's not exactly the right time of year for this sort of thing, but come All Hallow's Eve, perhaps I'll have all the spooky stuff painted (I have more than just skeletons in my collection). To start off, I decided to make my own Grim Reaper miniature. You never know when such a thing might come in handy:

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That scroll has someone's name on it. What the skull at death's feet is for, one could only guess. Perhaps it's his equivalent of a familiar?

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From this angle, you can better see the hourglass. This is pretty standard stuff. It's too bad there isn't any sort of item with the Greek letter omega on it, otherwise I could make this particular incarnation of death a nod to Sir Terry Pratchett.

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During my continued experiments with seeing how different items might look, I ended up taking this exact same character, with the exact same pose, and switching all the items with cold-themed ones:

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I call this character "Crystal Death," for reasons that ought to be obvious. He's basically an undead ice mage. Will I ever print it? Maybe... if I have a need to experiment with certain painting techniques.

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His hands aren't bony, but scaly - they resemble Nazgûl gauntlets to my eyes. The whole reason for this was just another "why not" moment while I was playing around.

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This hunched, shambling skeleton is a simple undead soldier, like an amateur necromancer might animate, or that might pop out of a ground sewn with dragon's teeth. Again, this was just something I did for fun, but I'm sure someone could think of a use for it.

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This slightly less hunched skeleton wielding a khopesh (it's actually a Dothraki arakh, but the khopesh model is far larger than an actual khopesh would be) is what you might expect to encounter if your tabletop RPG adventure takes you into Egyptian tombs... or whatever analogue exists to that in your particular game.

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This last one I call a "skeletal berserker," and even though berserkers wore bear skins in life, the only animal skull that Hero Forge has is a sort of ox skull. Not that it really matters, because a skeleton wearing a skull is just as morbid either way.

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That shadow looks really creepy. I think this one alone might make for a sufficiently spooky miniature diorama. I'll definitely revisit this one.

Tomorrow's post will feature a return to my own fantasy world, with a character who is long dead by the time that The Nine Empires takes place, but still left a lasting impact on the world.


Very cool miniatures, I like especially that Crystal Death.