My Fitbit Stats: June 10, 2020

in #fitness4 years ago


I have discussed the start of my Fitbit journey


Starting Weight: 76 Kg
Weight Today: 70 Kg

Daily Stats

Number of steps: 2202
Distance travelled: 1.63KM
Calories burned: 2272cals
Minutes of exercise: 20

Monthly Stats

Number of steps: 24,077
Distance travelled: 17.78KM
Calories burned: 22,110cals
Minutes of exercise: 219

Yearly Stats

Number of steps: 969,753
Distance travelled: 625.55KM
Calories burned: 159,187cals
Minutes of exercise: 6064

All Time Stats

Number of steps: 2,381,145
Distance travelled: 1,863.52KM
Calories burned: ‭1,195,086
Minutes of exercise: 15,853

Well that's it for today, catch tomorrows edition once again.

Thanks for reading!