My Fitbit Stats: June 19, 2020

in #fitness4 years ago


I have discussed the start of my Fitbit journey


Starting Weight: 76 Kg
Weight Today: 69 Kg

Daily Stats

Number of steps: 1406
Distance travelled: 1.04KM
Calories burned: 1976cals
Minutes of exercise: 0

Monthly Stats

Number of steps: 51,315
Distance travelled: 37.88KM
Calories burned: 42,461cals
Minutes of exercise: 400

Yearly Stats

Number of steps: 996,991
Distance travelled: 645.65KM
Calories burned: 179,538cals
Minutes of exercise: 6245

All Time Stats

Number of steps: 2,408,383
Distance travelled: 1,883.62KM
Calories burned: ‭1,215,437
Minutes of exercise: 16,034

Well that's it for today, catch tomorrows edition once again.

Thanks for reading!