Sometimes, moving to a freer place can be a good solution.

in #florida2 years ago


But it doesn't stop there. You need a consistent philosophy to guide your actions and to support private alternatives over state control. Remember, the government is not the solution to life's problems. It's time to end the fed, end the taxation, and free the market. Stop voting for the people enslaving you!

#endthelockdown #endtheshutdown #libertarian #taxationistheft #florida


While relocation is definitely not the ultimate solution to the state, it can be a temporary viable escape.

Agreed, the only drawback to relocation is that, eventually, you run out of places to move to. You can run and hide from tyranny, but sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight it.

Exactly! That's why it's time to work together and decentralize the power of the state.

It's been the means for many fleeing persecution, from Nazi Germany, to Communist China, to Cubans fleeing Castro.

Florida is better than most places but inflation is a problem here too. House prices especially have been skyrocketing. If I didn't already own a house I'm not sure that I could afford one.

I don't think that the housing prices there are purely do to inflation, but, in part, due to the massive demand from people moving there. ^^