Having Some Caffeine in my Life

in #food4 years ago


You must be thinking right am lying when I say that I haven't had a drop of Caffeine in the last two weeks and I have to say that it's completely true. For some weird reason I didn't drink Tea or Coffee for two weeks which is crazy for me as I Love Coffee. That may very well be the reason why I have felt little bit sleepier each and every day.


But drinking some Coffee today feels so good and revitalizing that I can't explain. I feel like I was in a two week Caffeine detox program and now that I am back on Caffeine I appreciate the taste of it a little bit more. So even though I didn't like myself without Caffeine I am appreciating the fact that I did go through those two weeks. I would really suggest you guys to go off Caffeine for a week or two and then start again, see the difference for yourself.

PS: Yes that is my New PC in the Background and I will make a review on that later on.



PC looks cool. Hard to off from coffee 🤣