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RE: Imitation Crab Salad That I Can literally Eat All Day

in #foodlast year

I've grown to enjoy the imitation. Real crab is too rich for me en masse and growing up on the lower end of middle I learned to like the packaged stuff. I've used it in plenty of hot pasta dishes diced nice and fine. Works best in white sauces I think.

We did turkey salad sandwiches for dinner tonight with our homegrown turkey and celery on my bread. Something about a summer style dish in the winter is always a nice change. I need to do a turkey pasta salad next now seeing what you made.


Yes crab w white butter sauces is the way to go!!! So funny you mention turkey pasta salad because I use the same bass when I add turkey instead of crab! The only difference is I add chopped cranberries, slivered almonds and tarragon to it! Enjoy!