A Break From The Heat

in #freewriters4 months ago


When Storms Collide.png
image created using stable diffusion

This is not quite what it looked like around 4 p.m yesterday but it was close. As I was working on yesterdays post and dinner I noticed it getting cloudy to the south of us and we were getting a nice breeze.

It was such a nice respite from the heat we had the week before that I decided to open the front and back door to let in some fresh air.

As I was wandering between my room and writing and making dinner I noticed we seemed to be between to storms. The storm to the north looked to have stalled out while the storm to the south was moving about five to ten miles an hour.

It was quite an interesting experience once the two came together. Hot air and cold air colliding makes a real stir of a bang. After a point I did not think we were going to get any rain but mother nature loves to show how right she always is and around seven she opened up the faucet and gave us about ten minutes of a good downpour making the air even chillier.

I closed the doors before the rain but did not completely close my window until about 9 o'clock.

I was tempted to sleep with the window opened but I thought the heat would come on and I did not want that.

Waking up this morning was a pleasant surprise. I hate getting up before nine in the morning but they sun is coming up around six so even with window coverings it is not easy to sleep that long, unless I have had trouble falling asleep.

Here it is almost four in the afternoon on Wednesday and it is still comfortable inside.

I was talking to my daughter yesterday about the solar activity and mentioned maybe our solar maximum is winding down. I have never really paid much attention to solar weather but I am sure it has a humongous impact on daily life here on this third rock from the sun.

Anyway, thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting


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