Finally cleared 4-4 (3 stars)!

in #gaming3 years ago

Welp not gonna lie I consulted my dear friend Google for a walkthrough on this stage after being stucked on this one for months (Yep Months! Was waiting to get more 6-star operators and level them up first before advancing on the main stages). Now that I have enough 6-star operators I am now beginning to complete the main stages again. XD

Anyways, surprisingly this stage was quite easy if one would just take advantage of the terrain. I'm not gonna post here the walkthrough to not spoil anyone on how to clear this stage but I used 6 ROADBLOCKS for this stage. Yep! 6 ROADBLOCKS and only 3-4 operators. Surprising right! Even managed to 3-star complete it.


Why this stage is important is because this one drop "KEEL". The item needed to upgrade the CONTROL CENTER on base to level 5.


Although one also needs to have 8 REINFORNCED BUILDING MATERIAL which is quite costly.


Crafting one costs 7200! That costly! T_T Still it's a one-time upgrade so can't complain for the cost. XD
