
Indeed indeed.

Just had a physio treatment on neck and shoulders at work. They bring in a physiotherapist every Friday to treat everyone. Now I want to snooze, but will go back to work instead. 😉

I hope you have had, are having, a god week.

Dry needling?

Nah, had that before though...Didn't tickle. Just some massage stuff today really, relaxing the shoulders after a week at the computer. Was nice though, and it's a nice touch this company do to look after the staff.

No but it can do wonders. By the same token I can really ruin you so oh, there is that. Sounds like you picked well for a company that cares about its people. I had no doubt you would but I'm glad that you seem to be happy with them. Well you better get to work because they're not paying you for talking with me. Lol