DIY| Combinando cáscara de cocos con acero Inoxidable: Copas DIY | Combining coconut shells with stainless steel: Cups

in #gems3 years ago (edited)

Hola Hive!

Mi DIY del día son un par de copas hechas con cáscara de cocos y algunas conchas de biela de un motor automotriz.

Habíamos planificado en casa hacer unos helados cremosos de coco y me percaté de re-utilizar las cáscaras del coco para agradecer las bondades alimenticias y curativas de ésta nutritiva fruta!

Te invito a ver el proceso...!

Hi Hive!

My DIY of the day is a couple of cups made from coconut shells and some connecting rod shells from an automotive engine.

We had planned to make some creamy coconut ice creams at home and I realized that I re-used the coconut shells to thank the nutritional and healing benefits of this nutritious fruit!

I invite you to see the process ...!







(Conchas de biela)/(Connecting rod shells)

Al principio me preocupó que no fuera a quedar tan pesada pero luego la pesé y es menor que una taza promedio.

At first I was concerned that it would not be as heavy but then I weighed it and it is less than an average cup.




Al finalizar las probé y me gustó el resultado de reciclar éste material del coco que es muy resistente.

At the end I tried them and I liked the result of recycling this material from the coconut that is very resistant.


Simplicity is not the absence of power.

La simplicidad no es ausencia de poder!




nice diy progect i think i can mke them too

Thank you very much, I also think you can do it. Luck!

I think so too.