in #gems4 years ago

Hola amigos el día de ayer me impacte con este sorprenderte atardecer. Fue muy hermoso espero que a ustedes les guste este gran atardecer.

Hello friends, yesterday I was struck by this surprising sunset. It was very beautiful, I hope you like this great sunset.

Le doy gracias a dios por permitirme observar este lindo atardecer el día de ayer.

I thank God for allowing me to observe this beautiful sunset yesterday.

Estaba reunida con mi prima que me acompañaba mientras realizaba los Doritos ella me tomaba las fotos, después de cocinarlos los fuimos a repartir a mi familia.

I was meeting with my cousin who accompanied me while I was making the Doritos, she took my photos, after cooking them we went to distribute them to my family.

Entonces vimos el cielo y nos sorprendió ver como en el cielo se reflejaba una grande y hermosa nube de calor amarillo brillante que iluminó todo rincón de mi hogar.

Then we saw the sky and we were surprised to see how the sky reflected a large and beautiful cloud of bright yellow heat that illuminated every corner of my home.

Me alegro mucho a ver apreciado este hermoso atardecer así hubiese durado unos pocos minutos, la gran nube se volvió de color naranja y al ir oscureciendo desaparecido.

I am very glad to see appreciated this beautiful sunset even if it had lasted a few minutes, the great cloud turned orange and as it darkened disappeared.

Gracias amigos por visitar mi blog, no olviden comentar y votar hasta luego.

Thanks friends for visiting my blog, do not forget to comment and vote later.


Su post ha sido valorado por @ramonycajal
