
in #goals3 years ago

Last year I had set some goals that I wanted to achieve. New years resolutions as they are called as they were goals for the new year. I had some simple goals last year

- Go to bed on time and wake up on time, creating a better sleep schedule
- Go to the gym more often in order to build up my stamina some more
- Be more communicative with others and meet new people

I was doing great till mid-March. Thats when IT stroke. IT stopped two out of the three entirely and severely prevented me from the third. I'm a student and I was doing well, not being as procrastinative as I normally am, and actually finishing my work as soon as I got them. That had helped me improve my sleep schedule. With online school, I went back to getting distracted and lazy again plus with the added difficulty I wasn't able to keep that up.

The gyms also closed and so I wan't able to go. I tried and look for some cheap weights I can buy, but they were all sold out or extremely expensive, as well as running on the treadmill at home, but it just didn't have the same feel as running on a track at the gym. I would love to run outside but thanks to the weather I really didn't. Yes, I could have but I didn't and thats just bad.

Why wait till the new year to start on these goals again? I have been trying to start on them all again throughout the year, but just have not been able to keep at it. But lets put it out there and maybe that'll help me make the goals more real and make me want to achieve them even more.