Some Pumpkins Tonight

Some really nice pumpkin work out there tonight in our neighborhood. There were a couple houses close by that really do it up for the season and several places we saw that had some excellent pumpkin work.

The painted work was inspiring and I think I may go that route next year. Maybe a combo paint-carve thing. I get the pumpkins free from work so it may be fun to do a big batch next year.


But my favorite of the night bad to be the Totorro one. Our pumpkins for the night were both hastily carved with Totorro having been an initial inspiration. I hope the kid was as inspired as I was.



All in all a great neighborhood crawl tonight both wearing out the baby and scoring an epic batch of candy.

The teenager did their own thing with friends and got an even more epic haul so there won’t be a shortage of treats for the year to come.