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RE: HBD savings is paying 10%

in #hbd3 years ago

I do know that the flow direction of the stabilizer is still absorbing HBD from the market rather than supplying it (likely due to bag holders from the pump continuing to unload it). Perhaps that will start to shift after the change 10% which just happened within the last day or so, we'll see. Plus, of course, the bag holders will exhaust their bags at some point too.


It will be interesting to watch what is happening with it over time as demand rises and falls in the markets.

well , I can speak for myself: just bought some HBD to save it. 5k =D yay! now hive has an interesting savings account!

stabilizer has done a good job but now we are at the point where we need hbd/usd pair, Hive-Engine SWAP.USDC/ SWAP.HBD pair would be a good start