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RE: Left of grief

in #health3 years ago

Dude! I somehow missed your posts talking about your latest health misadventures. I'm sorry this has happened to you...

I'm so glad you've already well into the habit of writing to Hive and journaling through what I imagine are going to be some pretty complex emotions and struggles. I definitely like the idea of trying to uncover all the potential limitations and areas of weakness/opportunity to see what needs to be worked on.

In the case of the written word, the loss of edge might not be too big an issue as you'll have time to consider and check before you press those send and submit buttons... and I'm sure everyone else will be understanding. I'm also sure you'll find ways to turn any limitations into a focus of an area of strength. I was watching American Ninja Warrior last night, and one of the amazing new youngsters seems to be so strong because he was born with cerebral palsy and has had a rigorous daily stretching routine... he shouldn't be stronger than everyone else, but that habit has made him stronger than everyone else in this particular arena.