Backyard herbalism :: Plantain

in #herbalism2 years ago

also known as Plantago, in Spanish Llantén. This is a common herb in most temperate and semi-tropical climates all over the world 🌎 Plantain is useful in so many ways and is a main ingredient in natural skin care products as well as in lung-healing teas. Appropriate for these times is Plantain's ability to support the mucosal membranes which line the inside of the nose, mouth, and lungs and are our bodies first (and best) defense against air born pathogens like viruses and also dust & other allergens.


What is most special about Plantain plants is that they will show up in areas dominated by grass, or super humid areas where other plants can't grow. So if you don't yet know Plantain, take a look at the picture below, maybe this medicinal is already growing in a wild lawn near you 🌿
