Why Does Coinmarketcap & Coingecko Gate Keep HEX at All Cost BUT List Scams Like #YAM #SUSHI #HOTDOG??? #ADDHEXTOPAGEONE

in #hex4 years ago
For months now, #HEX has been gate kept by the top data tracking platforms like @coingecko , @coinmarketcap etc ...

Despite the massive plea by the Hex community to this platforms, nothing about this has been done. Which gets me wondering, why are this platforms so scared of Hex that they are working so hard to gate-keep it? Is it Fomo?Dis-like of the founder?(Which would be a rather stupid reason, we know you should never mix business with personal emotions), or is it shear ignorance?

I don't know what the reason maybe, all I can say is, this community is on steroids and going even harder to call out this gate-keepers bullshit. There's even an initiative dubbed #AddHexToPageOne , I'm pretty sure if you follow me on twitter you have seen me talk about it in the last week.

I find it outrageous that #coinmarketcap and @coingecko can rightfully list projects like #Sushi #YAM #Hotdog and God knows what other scams that have had people completely lose their life savings.


Just a few hours ago, I came across this tweet of a person sharing how #Defi craze on Uniswap has rekt them, very unfortunate people chose to ignore a fully working project like #HEX , a project that has been perfectly working for months now, a project that is 3X audited,only to be destroyed by this kind of scams. Greed will be the end of most people in this space, not to mention ignorance, following so called crypto influencers advice and most importantly, not taking time to do due diligence in projects you invest your hard earned money in.

One thing is for sure though, it's hard to ignore HEX and the heat is clearly catching up to them. Just a matter of time until Hex proves everyone wrong, and yes, I do believe this project has a lot of potential, particularly for those who want something safe from trading, and those who want a regular passive income by staking over a period of years and creating a favorable staking ladder like the one below.

In HEX the choice is all yours, you can stake for as long as you like, 1day to 15 years, upto you, and it's risk free. Of course, the longer you stake, the more HEX interest and Hex Shares You Get. This should be every crypto enthusiast's go to project, this is pure decentralization. Your Seed Phrase, Your Money!!NO MIDDLE MEN, NO EXCHANGES, JUST YOU AND THE BLOCKCHAIN. STAKE,GAIN PROFITS, END STAKE, TAKE YOUR PROFITS.... Pure Bliss


Stay Safe. CHEERS!





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Also, Catch Me on;

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What's the use case of HEX? WHy anyone would like to purchase it?