250 Hive Delegation Competition.A support to grow in Hive

in TheTerminal3 years ago (edited)


Hello hivers,I am @marito74,Venezuelan,today I am opting again to the Delegation of 250 hive promoted by the user @melbournewest ,I am a novice in Hive,I started in January this year,fortunately I received a delegation of @starstrings01 which has allowed my publications and other dynamics in Hive, I got with this delegation (of 50 hp) ,116 hp of my own,my reputation is located in 58,I have been learning about the platform understanding that it is a chain where we all must support each other to grow,through voting,comments and publications.


However as all delegation is temporary,it is coming to an end,so it would be great for me if I could get the 250 from @melbounewest ,it would give me more strength as a hiver since I post daily. Hiver is a very dynamic platform,I would love to continue growing here,as I mentioned in my previous request,if I make progress,the rewards in the near future would represent an income for me since the economic crisis in my country is terrible and affects us a lot.By growing my account would allow me to support other newbies with small delegation since the beginnings are not easy and a helping hand,a support is great for any user.

Hola hivers, soy @marito74,venezolana,en el día de hoy estoy optando nuevamente a la Delegación de 250 hive promovida por el usuario @melbournewest , soy una novata en Hive,inicié en enero del presente año,afortunadamente recibí una delegación de @starstrings01 la cual ha permitido mis publicaciones y resto de dinámica en Hive,obtuve con esta delegación (de 50 hp) ,116 hp propios,mi reputación se ubica en 58,he ido aprendiendo sobre la plataforma entendiendo que es una cadena donde todos debemos apoyarnos para crecer,a través del voto,comentarios y publicaciones.


Sin embargo como toda delegación es temporal,está llegando a su fin, por lo cual sería muy bueno para mi si pudiera obtener los 250 del @melbounewest ,me daría mas fortaleza como hiver ya que publico diariamente.Hiver es una plataforma muy dinámica,me encantaría continuar creciendo acá,como ya mencione en mi anterior solicitud,de lograr avances,las recompensas a futuro cercano representarían un ingreso para mi dado que la crisis económica en mi país es terrible y nos afecta muchísimo.Al crecer mi cuenta me permitiría apoyar a otros novatos con pequeña delegación ya que los inicios no son nada fáciles y una mano amiga,un apoyo es genial para cualquier usuario.

Foto de pantalla de mi computador.Foto de mi autoría tomada con teléfono Samsung Galaxy.Isla de Margarita,Venezuela.

I am so glad that you posted your entry before the deadline . You seem to have grown to a reputation of 58 in just a month. It must only be hardwork. Well done and goodluck in the contest.

Thank you very much, if you have. Greetings from Margarita, Venezuela.

You're welcome

Wow... Nicely Written.

You have been able to acquire more than 100% of the initial HP that you got at the beginning of our Newbie initiative and that shows that you can do more with this new 250 HP if you are given opportunity to do so

I wish you luck on this one
Continue growing and interacting qualitative

Thank you friend, I will try to do my best. A hug.