My Fascinating Insect Photos

Good evening everyone and to all members here in @fascinatinginsects. Tonight, let me share to you my fascinating insect photos I've taken last day. It was a great day because I discovered more interesting things such like this.


This is the hive of a termites. I saw this in a big old tree and it was very beautiful. When I looked inside of the hive, I see a different tunnels on it. When the termites distructed to others, they will hide immediately and no one of them will see crawling around.


This is what we called camouflage bugs. I see this inside our house and was very beautiful. It has a color of brown, black amd white and have a checkered color on it wings. It has a sharp feet and have a small antenna on it. Most of this kind of bugs lives in the grass and or in the leaves. This is not harmful to plants, that is why we let it go flying around our place.




This is what we called tiganga here in the Philippines. This is a kind of bug that has horn on it and also sharp feet. It has also antenna and pure black color including its wings. The wings is just like an armor, it is very hard but shinny. Under of this insect, we see a lines on its body.


This kind of bugs lives in dead trees just like coconuts. This kind of insect is very harmful to plants, it kills coconut trees and other soft stem trees. This is a fast flying bugs and we heard its wing flopping just like buzzing way around.

Discovering more about insects is very fun and enjoyable. We can relaxed ourselves and also we can gain more knowledge about #fascinating insects.

Hi, Im your friend @godslove123
