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RE: Restart Modem/Router with a smart plug if internet is down

in Smart Home4 years ago

I don't today... but I will soon now that I've seen you doing it :D

My router is solid, but the modem gets crabby from time to time. A solution should be pretty simple

Thanks for the inspiration! I feel kind of silly that this hadn't already occurred to me. Well done


What do you have in your mind? :)

I've got a spare WiFI plug flashed to run MQTT around here somewhere. Plug the modem into that, setup a script on the Pi that runs all the home automation stuffs to check for external connectivity, after x minutes of no external connectivity, power cycle the modem. This will likely be schedule by cron, but managed within OpenHAB since that's where the mqtt bridge is managed

All the times that I've rushed back to see if it's the frickin' modem again, power cycled it, and sat there watching the lights blink.... and it never occurred to me that I could just monitor connectivity and bounce the modem. It's nearly humiliating 😂